• My Experience Installing Caffe

    The area of data science that interests me the most is computer vision. I’ve wanted to study computer vision for a while and felt that doing Metis would be a best ways of kickstarting me towards a CV program at a university and an alternative to immediately going back to...

  • Classifying and Predicting Refugee Crises

    It would be an understatement to say that by the third project things got a little disorganized at Metis. The rules for this project weren’t entirely clear. We were told that it was supposed to be a group effort but then it turn out to not be a group project...

  • Predicting Ratings of Movies-Based-on-Books by their Books

    As the third week at Metis comes to a close I finally find myself with some free time. The second project required most of my attention and between class, the project, and challenges 2-4 I found myself often working 12-16 hours a day. Fortunately the winter storm allowed me to...

  • Identifying the Optimal Subway Stations for Street Teams

    Our first project at Metis was less of a data science assignment and more of a data analysis project (partly because we hadn’t learned much data science yet and partly to get us acquainted with some libraries like mplib, numpy and pandas). The goal was as follows: Recommend to a...

  • Metis: First Impressions

    Despite, or perhaps because of, having an abundance of information about me already readily available on the internet, I am actually not fond of putting information about putting too much information about myself on here. I’ve blogged and unblogged numerous times in the past and have do not currently have...